Attract patients by differentiating on your strengths

Healthcare isn't a one size fits all solution. Many individuals and marginalized communities rely on Caralyst to find a compatible physician who understands their needs who they can trust.

Join our directory now to reshape the future of primary care.
Join as a Provider
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Increase Volume
Help patients find the right provider for their needs via our humanistic algorithm that can increase trust and compatability. Retain and build longitudinal relationships with your patients.
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Convenient Workflows
Showcase your profile on our intuitive map-based directory. Easily integrate scheduling
and approval with your
preferred systems.
Structured Feedback
Receive verified reviews that give meaningful insights about your strengths and how you can improve without the noise.

Caralyst helps your system build trust with the community

Massively increase your system's discoverability to patients by showcasing and differentiating your clinic and providers' unique strengths with our hyper-personalizable matching algorithm. Build trust with the community by being a transparent resource that patients can share within their networks to find the most compatible care.

Targeted performance analytics from our intersectional data

Our personalized review system asks patients specific questions on what they matched on. As a physician, receive structured and granular feedback broken down over 50 traits on how to improve your care to patients. As an administrator, keep track of organizaton-wide metrics, individual scores for quality and ranking purposes, and fulfill DEI initiatives.

Interested in using Caralyst? Talk to someone from our executive team.

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